A twin pregnancy happens when two babies grow in the uterus. This is not very common and can be influenced by family history, fertility treatments, or other factors. With an ultrasound, doctors can typically determine whether you are expecting twins early on.
Since a twin pregnancy has a higher risk of complications for both you and the babies, you will need more check-ups and care to make sure everything stays healthy.
Twin births have become more common over time, with their occurrence increasing by one-third over the past 40 years.
There is no definite method to conceive twins. But some things, like family history or certain medical treatments, might increase your chances.
Signs of Twin Pregnancy:
The likelihood of conceiving twins, a form of multiple pregnancy, is relatively rare. On average, twins occur naturally in approximately 1 out of every 250 pregnancies.
Feeling symptoms of a twin pregnancy doesn’t always mean you’re carrying twins. Some early signs that might suggest twins include:
- Feeling baby movements earlier than usual.
- Notice movement in different areas of your belly.
- Your baby bump is measuring bigger than expected.
- Gaining weight faster than normal.
- Higher levels of hCG (pregnancy hormone) or AFP (a protein made by the baby’s liver).
- Hearing more than one heartbeat during a check-up with a fetal Doppler.
Even if you notice these signs, the only way to confirm a twin pregnancy is through an ultrasound.
How Can You Confirm a Twin Pregnancy?
The most accurate way to confirm a twin pregnancy is through a prenatal ultrasound. This imaging test uses sound waves to create detailed images of the uterus, allowing healthcare providers to determine if there are two fetuses present.
How Are Twins Formed?
If you want to know your chances of having twins, it helps to understand how they develop. There are two types of twins:
Identical Twins
Identical twins happen when one fertilized egg splits into two embryos. They may:
- Share the same placenta and amniotic sac
- Share a placenta but have separate amniotic sacs
- Have their own placentas and amniotic sacs
Since they come from the same egg, identical twins have the same genes and are always the same sex. Unlike fraternal twins, they are not affected by family history or genetics.
Fraternal Twins
Fraternal, or non identical, twins develop when two separate eggs are fertilized by two different sperm. Every twin is genetically distinct and has its placenta. Compared to identical twins, fraternal twins are far more prevalent.
How to Get Pregnant with Twins?
While there are no medically proven methods to ensure a twin pregnancy, certain factors may increase the chances of conceiving twins.
Family History and Genetics
If twins run in your family, you may be more likely to have twins yourself. Women who are fraternal twins or have fraternal twins in their family have a higher chance of giving birth to twins. The chances are even greater if there are twins on both the mother’s and father’s sides of the family.
IVF – In Vitro fertilization
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a medical treatment that helps people conceive. It is a type of assisted reproductive technology (ART) that uses medical procedures to increase the chances of pregnancy.
In IVF, doctors take eggs from the woman and sperm from the man. Then combines it, in a lab dish to create an embryo.
The embryo is then placed into the woman’s uterus, hoping it will attach and grow into a baby. To improve the chances of pregnancy, doctors may place more than one embryo, which can lead to twins.
Fertility Drugs and Twin Pregnancy
If you’re trying to have twins, some fertility medicines can help by encouraging your body to release more eggs. When more eggs are available, there’s a higher chance that two can be fertilized at the same time, leading to twins.
Clomiphene (Clomid, Serophene) – This is a prescription pill that helps your body ovulate by stimulating egg production. If you’re taking Clomiphene to boost fertility, your chances of having twins may be higher.
Gonadotropins (FSH and LH Injections) – These are hormone injections that tell your ovaries to release multiple eggs. With more eggs available, there’s a greater chance of conceiving twins. Research shows that about 30% of pregnancies with gonadotropins result in twins or more.
Both of these medicines are widely used and generally safe, but they may have side effects. If you’re considering fertility treatments, your doctor can guide you on the best option for your journey.
Women over 30 have a higher chance of having twins. This is because, in comparison to younger women, they are more likely to release several eggs during ovulation as their bodies produce more follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).
Mothers aged 35 to 40 who have already had a baby have an even better probability.
Your ethnicity may play a role in your chances of having twins. In the United States, Black women are more likely to have twins, while Asian and Native American women have the lowest chances. If you’re white, you may have a higher chance of conceiving triplets or more.
Do Height and Weight Influence the Chances of Having Twins?
Studies show that women with a body mass index (BMI) over 30 may have a slightly higher chance of having twins. Extra body fat increases estrogen levels, which can sometimes make the ovaries release more than one egg at a time. However, being overweight can also make it harder to get pregnant, so it’s important to stay healthy.
Can Breastfeeding Increase Your Chances of Having Twins?
Many women think they can’t get pregnant while breastfeeding, but it is possible. Some studies show that women who get pregnant while breastfeeding are more likely to have twins than those who are not breastfeeding.
If you’re still breastfeeding while trying to conceive, your body produces more prolactin—a hormone that may increase ovulation and improve your chances of conceiving twins. However, there aren’t any further research to back up this claim.
Can Your Diet Influence the Chances of Having Multiples?
Eating healthy is important for a healthy pregnancy, but there’s no proof that certain foods can make you more likely to have twins. The idea that diet affects twin pregnancy is mostly a myth, and research hasn’t found strong evidence to support it.
Can Taking Supplements Increase Your Chances of Having Twins?
Taking 400–1000 micrograms of folic acid daily can support a healthy pregnancy, especially if you’ve had IVF treatments. Some small studies suggest that taking folic acid might slightly increase your chances of having twins, but there isn’t enough strong evidence to confirm this.
If you’re trying to conceive, taking folic acid is important for your baby’s brain development and overall health. Folic acid also helps prevent birth defects. Try adding folic acid-rich foods like
- Spinach
- Lettuce
- Tomatoes
- Strawberries
- egg yolks
- sunflower seeds
- Broccoli
- Asparagus
Other Factors That May Increase the Chances of Twin Pregnancy
Coming Off Birth Control Pills
When you stop taking birth control, your hormones take time to adjust. This hormonal shift may cause your body to release multiple eggs, slightly increasing your chances of having twins. But there is no strong scientific back up for this theory, saying the effect is only temporary.
Having More Pregnancies
It is believed that women who have had multiple pregnancies may find it easier to conceive twins naturally. This is because their bodies are used to ovulating, and they may start releasing multiple eggs. While the reason is not completely clear, some believe that as a woman gets older and has more pregnancies, her body might become more likely to release multiple eggs.
Give Your Body a Break Between Pregnancies
It is said that if you’ve recently had a baby, waiting a little longer before trying again may naturally increase your chances of having twins. Some study that allowing your body time to recover can positively impact ovulation. But it doesn’t gave a definite scientific proof on whether it works or not.
What are the possible complications of a twin pregnancy?
If you’re expecting twins, it’s important to know that twin pregnancies can have some extra health risks. These may include:
- Low red blood cell count (anemia)
- Birth defects like spina bifida
- High blood sugar during pregnancy (gestational diabetes)
- High blood pressure (preeclampsia)
- Slower baby growth (IUGR – Intrauterine Growth Restriction)
- Too little amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios)
- Placenta separating too early (placental abruption)
- Going into labor too soon (premature labor)
- Too much amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios)
- Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) – one twin gets more blood than the other
Bottom Line:
Learning that you are having twins may be both thrilling and overwhelming. Since twin pregnancies carry a higher risk of complications, they require more frequent prenatal check-ups to ensure the health and well-being of both the mother and the babies.
For further queries, contact us, the best gynecology hospital in Bangalore, for expert care and personalized support.