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How to Get Periods Immediately 


Dr. Kavitha Lakshmi Easwaran

Dr. Kavitha Lakshmi Easwaran


Obstetrics And Gynaecology

How to get periods overnight? How to get periods immediately if delayed? There are always several questions like this in the back of your head, searching for accurate answers. As a woman, you would have come across many myths about inducing a period.

Is it safe to induce a period? Then, which method should I use: home remedies or tablets?

There are many solutions available on the internet nowadays for inducing periods, but there is no proof that would work.

In this article, we will have a clear review of safety methods for inducing periods naturally. We also discuss its causes and when to see a gynecologist.

Causes of Delayed Periods 


Excessive stress stimulates the body to release the hormone cortisol, which throws off the body’s hormonal balance and menstrual cycle. It causes irregular or delayed periods.

Hormonal Imbalance:

Menstrual irregularities are commonly associated with hormonal imbalances, including those involving the hormones progesterone and estrogen. These variations could have an impact on the frequency, length, and severity of menstrual cycles.


Delayed periods can result from significant weight loss or gain in a short time, affecting hormone production. Low body weight might lead to irregular or nonexistent menstrual cycles. This is because the body requires fat to produce menstruation-related hormones.

Excessive Exercise:

You should exercise caution if you frequently work out more than you would want to because this can alter your menstrual cycle. As a result, it could serve as a reason for delayed periods.

Medical Conditions:

Delayed periods can be caused by several medical diseases, including thyroid disorders, reproductive issues, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

Foods to get Periods Immediately


Experts say that raw papaya stimulates uterine contractions, which in turn helps bring on menstruation. Papaya’s carotene raises estrogen levels, which could lead the menstrual cycle to begin earlier. It can be eaten raw or in juice form twice a day.



Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapples, can help control menstrual flow and relieve cramping. According to research, bromelain may be able to lessen inflammation, which may be helpful for specific inflammatory reasons of irregular periods.



Ginger causes early periods by raising body temperature. Ginger tea or vegetables should be combined with ginger instead of eating it raw since it may taste bad. It facilitates uterine contractions and could lead to early periods. 



Iron, fiber, and natural sugars can all be found in dates. It is well known that eating dates before your period raises body temperature, which in turn triggers early menstruation.


Sesame seeds:

Nutrients and good fats can be found in sesame seeds. They have a lot of lignans as well. These phytoestrogens may have the ability to control estrogen levels. Therefore, this could boost menstruation.

sesame seeds


Given that spices are naturally spicy, they can assist you in getting your periods earlier by triggering the menstrual cycle. Add spices to your food, such as ajwain seeds, cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper, and turmeric.


Yoga for inducing periods

Most people can practice yoga, a physical type of meditation, at home. This age-old method is used daily by a large number of people to enhance their well-being. It could be possible to control periods by doing yoga. 

Bow pose or Dhanurasana: 

Menstrual cycles can be regulated and induced by Bow Pose, which stimulates the abdominal organs and enhances blood flow to the pelvic region. In addition to reducing stress and balancing hormones, this deep stretch encourages a healthy menstrual cycle.

bow pose or dhanurasana

Camel pose or Ustrasana:

Stretching the abdomen and increasing blood flow to the pelvic area, camel posture, also known as Ustrasana, may help control menstrual cycles. In addition to supporting hormonal balance, which can lead to periods, is its deep backbone.

camel pose or ustrasana

Bhujangasana or Cobra pose:

Cobra pose, or Bhujangasana, stimulates the abdomen area, improving blood flow and gently pressing the reproductive organs, which may aid in menstrual cycle regulation. Its stretching action can help to balance hormones and reduce stress.

Cobra pose, or Bhujangasana

Baddha konasana or Butterfly pose:

The menstrual cycle can be controlled by stimulating blood flow to the pelvic region using Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose). It reduces menstruation discomfort and encourages punctual periods by relaxing the lower abdomen.

Butterfly pose or Baddha konasana

Which tablet is used to get periods immediately?

Progestin-only pills assist in balancing hormones and can cause menstruation, which in turn can cause periods. Periods can be induced in a controlled cycle with the help of combined oral contraceptives that include both progesterone and estrogens.

GnRH agonists, usually administered as injections, are more useful in the management of endometriosis and may postpone the onset of menstruation. NSAIDs like ibuprofen reduce period discomfort without initiating menstruation. 

Always consult a doctor before administering any medication for menstruation. Because dosages for medications differ from person to person, there are some potential side effects like bloating, nausea, and breast tenderness. It is also advisable to consult the doctor about any pre-existing medical conditions before taking medications.

Other Ways to Get Periods:

Sexual Activity:

Cervix dilation occurs with orgasm during sexual contact, which causes the menstrual blood to drop. Sexual action can be either penetrating or non-penetrating. Frequent sexual activity lowers stress and preserves hormone balance.


Exercise for your lower body can help you start your menstrual cycle. Moderate exercise can help restore hormonal balance and regular menstrual cycles for women who experience irregular periods as a result of severe fitness programs.

Hot Water Pack or Warm Bath:

You can improve blood flow to your lower abdomen by applying heat to it. Some people think that this could affect menstruation. Taking a hot water bath is a great way to unwind and relieve tension. Your body and mind will relax, and your blood flow will increase to the area more quickly.

hot water pack

When to see the Doctor:

If your periods end before 45, are regularly irregular, miss three periods that follow without being pregnant, bleeding during or after sex, or experience any bleeding after menopause, see a doctor.


Several factors, including hormonal imbalance brought on by stress, sleep deprivation, poor diet, PCOS, and others, can cause irregular periods. The most effective way to get your periods on time is to lead a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and enough sleep.

Consult the best gynecologist in Bangalore and clear all your doubts about menstrual issues and reproductive health.
