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Foods to avoid during pregnancy


Dr. Kavitha Lakshmi Easwaran

Dr. Kavitha Lakshmi Easwaran


Obstetrics And Gynaecology

It would help if you were always mindful of what you couldn’t eat during pregnancy. Your priority is your child’s well-being. That’s why you might blend curry leaves into your sambar, toss lentils into your khichdi, or enjoy a piece of fruit with your bowl of dahi.

However, there are specific foods you should avoid eating when pregnant, including fruits. Your unborn child is susceptible to certain chemicals and preservatives. So, knowing what to avoid during pregnancy is important.

Not all food is safe to consume when you are pregnant. Certain meals might be unsafe for you or your child due to their preparation, the bacteria, or the chemicals they contain. Let’s review what not to eat when pregnant and things to avoid during pregnancy that cause miscarriage in this article.

Foods to avoid during pregnancy

“A healthy pregnancy starts with a healthy diet. The better you eat, the better you feel, and the more you’ll give your baby the best start possible.” 

Just be careful of the foods to avoid when pregnant and the drinks that are best avoided or consumed with caution when expecting.

Seafood High in Mercury

Seafood is a good source of protein. But avoid eating fish that have a high mercury content. In higher amounts, it will affect your baby’s nervous system. 

A fish’s probability of having mercury increases with size and age. Here are the types of fish you should consume during pregnancy.

  • Rohu 
  • Catla
  • Butterfish (Pabda)
  • India Mackerel (Bangda)
  • Rawas

If you love seafood, cook it well to make sure it tastes great and is safe to eat, as cooking kills any harmful bacteria causing illness.

is pabda fish safe during pregnancy

Undercooked meat, chicken, and eggs

It is said that consuming raw or undercooked meat could increase your chance of contracting parasitic or bacterial infections, such as Salmonella, E. Coli, Toxoplasma, and Listeria.

There is an increased probability of food poisoning during pregnancy. Avoid eating undercooked or raw meat and meat products. It is one of the foods to avoid during the pregnancy period.

Raw eggs contain harmful bacteria, which could cause nausea, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and, at worst, even preterm birth.

meat , eggs and chicken in pregnancy

Unpasteurized foods

Avoid consuming foods or drinks that include milk that hasn’t been pasteurized. Unpasteurized milk products may result in illness. Raw milk and unpasteurized foods contain bacteria like Listeria, which can cause food poisoning.

Avoid soft cheeses like feta or other cheese products unless the label indicates the product is pasteurized or manufactured with pasteurized milk.

diary products in pregnancy

Processed foods

Foods that have undergone extensive processing usually have low nutritional value and high calorie, sugar, and added fat content, which can lead to weight gain.

Watching your weight during pregnancy is important since it complicates the delivery process, so avoid taking processed food as much as possible.

Look for protein-rich meals, snacks, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and fiber-rich carbs like whole grains, beans, and starchy vegetables.

For example, spiced buttermilk with whole-wheat dosa or cucumber slices with a spread of green chutney are best alternative foods to eat while pregnant.

processed food in pregnancy

Fruits to Avoid during Pregnancy

Avoid eating unwashed fruits and vegetables, which may be contaminated with bacteria like E.coli or Toxoplasma, which could cause illness.

Avoid eating fruits like papaya, pineapple, and grapes, which nutrition specialists advise against eating during pregnancy. Papaya, as it contains latex, which could cause uterine contractions. 

For pineapple, it contains bromelain, which causes the cervix to soften, resulting in failed labor or miscarriage.

Grapes contain resveratrol, which causes pregnant women’s hormones to be out of balance, causing complications. It is better to avoid eating them during pregnancy.

Vegetables to Avoid during Pregnancy

Don’t eat raw sprouts of alfalfa, clover, radish, and mung bean sprouts, as bacteria grows best in the humid setting that seeds require to begin sprouting, and it is nearly tough to get rid of.

Avoiding vegetables that are high in nitrates and mercury is better because they are harmful to the developing infant as well as the mother. 

Don’t eat fenugreek leaves (Methi), brinjal, raw radish, or green sprouts, as they cause difficulty in digestion, and sometimes consuming them in large amounts can induce uterine contractions.

It is safe to avoid them during pregnancy, but it is better to eat them cooked than raw, according to the FDA.

don't eat raw vegetables during pregnancy


When pregnant, it’s best to avoid caffeine as much as possible, as it may cause problems. Avoid drinking coffee, tea, cocoa, and other energy drinks as they contain caffeine.

Instead, go for milk as an alternative option for coffee or tea. It contains essential nutrients like vitamin D, calcium, and protein, which help in child development.

Your baby receives caffeine from you through the placenta, and there is some evidence that consuming excessive amounts of caffeine may raise the risk of issues like low birth weight and preterm birth.

can we drink coffee during pregnancy


Pregnancy and alcohol consumption are not compatible. Don’t consume any alcohol just to be safe. Drinking alcohol when pregnant raises the possibility of miscarriage.

Fetal alcohol syndrome or other developmental abnormalities may result from alcohol drinking during pregnancy.

If you drank alcohol before learning you were pregnant, give it up right away. You should keep refraining from alcohol while breastfeeding. Alcohol exposure to a baby carries significant hazards, and alcohol does get into the baby’s system through breastfeeding.

avoid alcohol during pregnancy

Happy Motherhood

Maintaining a nutritious diet is crucial during pregnancy since it supplies essential nutrients to the expectant mother and the developing baby. Know what to avoid during pregnancy for a healthy motherhood.

Contact us today at the best gynecology hospital in Bangalore to schedule an appointment and start your journey with personalized diets.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I eat when pregnant?

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables to ensure you get enough vitamins and minerals. For added fibre and energy, try including healthy grains like oats and brown rice. For your infant's growth and development, make sure you consume protein from foods like eggs, lean meats, and lentils.

What to avoid during first trimester?

To lower the risk during the first trimester, stay away from raw or undercooked meat, eggs, and seafood. Avoid seafood that is high in mercury and consume less caffeine. For a healthier pregnancy, stay away from excessive sugar and alcohol as well.

Is Pabda fish safe during pregnancy?

When cooked thoroughly, Pabda fish is generally safe to consume while pregnant. To avoid chemicals, be sure that the source is clean and trustworthy.

List of things to avoid during pregnancy that cause miscarriage.

To lower your chance of miscarriage, Avoid Alcohol - Damages development and raises risk. Coffee - Do not exceed 200 mg daily. Uncooked or raw food – This category includes seafood, meat, and eggs. High-mercury fish- Increase the risk of pregnancy. Drugs and tobacco - Harmful for the mother and the child.
