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What is Artificial Insemination?

Artificial Insemination

Using medical procedures, sperm is injected into a woman's reproductive system during artificial insemination (AI), a fertility treatment approach, as opposed to naturally occurring sexual activity.

This treatment is frequently used to help couples who are having trouble getting pregnant for a variety of reasons, such as low sperm count, problems with sperm motility, or cervical factors.

Sai Speciality Care in Bangalore offers advanced, customized artificial insemination (AI) services with compassionate support for your journey to parenthood.

Artificial Insemination

What are the 5 stages of Artificial Insemination?


Stage : 1

Initial Consultation

The fertility clinic will schedule an initial consultation to start the procedure. In order to discuss their medical history, any prior fertility treatments, and their objectives for artificial insemination, the couple consults with a fertility specialist at this phase.
The expert performs a comprehensive assessment, which could involve diagnostic procedures like an investigation of the male partner's semen and the female partner's ovarian reserve (blood and ultrasound tests).
The professional can customize the strategy depending on the unique circumstances of the couple during this meeting, which also helps decide whether AI is a suitable therapy choice.

Stage : 2

Ovulation Induction

After the first evaluation is over, the female partner is put through ovulation induction if needed. During this phase, fertility drugs like gonadotropins or clomiphene citrate are given to the patient to stimulate the ovaries and encourage the formation of one or more mature eggs.
The woman's reaction to ovulation induction is continuously tracked using hormone testing to evaluate estrogen levels and routine ultrasound images to follow follicular development.
The woman's reaction to ovulation induction is continuously tracked using hormone testing to evaluate estrogen levels and routine ultrasound images to follow follicular development.

Stage : 3

Semen Collection and Preparation

After a period of abstaining (usually 2–5 days), the male partner contributes a sample of semen on the day of insemination. The procedure known as "sperm washing" or "sperm preparation" is performed in the lab after the semen sample is collected in a sterile container.
To concentrate the sample and isolate motile and healthy sperm, the sperm are separated from the seminal fluid and other debris during the sperm preparation process. The sperm utilized for insemination will be of higher quality and vitality thanks to this technique.

Stage : 4


The insemination process begins once the semen sample is ready. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) and intracervical insemination (ICI) are the two main ways of insemination.
In intrauterine insemination (IUI), a thin, flexible catheter carrying the prepared sperm is introduced through the cervix into the uterus after a speculum has been put into the woman's vagina to see the cervix.
This makes it possible to implant the sperm directly into the uterus, nearer the fallopian tubes, where fertilization is most likely to take place. To make it easier for the prepared sperm to enter the uterus and go toward the fallopian tubes, ICI involves depositing it close to the cervix.To be used for future embryo transfers, all viable embryos will be stored on the fifth or sixth day after fertilization.

Stage : 5

Post-Insemination Care

A woman can be instructed to take a short rest after the insemination process to facilitate the sperm's journey to the fallopian tubes. To maximize the conditions for embryo implantation, it is advised to refrain from physically demanding tasks and heavy lifting for the remainder of the day.
The lady may also be administered progesterone supplements to boost the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and increase the likelihood of successful implantation, depending on the clinic's procedure and her particular situation.
To find out if conception has taken place, a pregnancy test is conducted about two weeks following insemination. If the test results are positive, there may be further testing, including hCG level measurements by blood tests and ultrasound images to verify fetal development..

Why is Artificial Insemination Performed?


Artificial insemination, or AI, is used for a number of reasons to increase the likelihood of pregnancy and address certain infertility issues:

  • Timing and Ovulatory Disorders
  • Male Infertility Factors
  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • Unexplained Infertility
  • Avoiding Genetic Disease Transmission
  • Endometriosis or Uterine Factors

Post- Procedure


Post-procedure care after artificial insemination (AI) is essential to optimize the chance of conception and promote general well-being. It is advised that the individual take a rest for ten to fifteen minutes following the surgery to enable the sperm to go toward the fallopian tubes, where fertilization may take place.

For the rest of the day, it is best to avoid physically demanding tasks or heavy lifting to reduce the likelihood of uterine contractions interfering with embryo implantation.

The woman may be administered progesterone supplements to boost the luteal phase of her menstrual cycle, therefore improving the uterine environment for embryo implantation, depending on the fertility clinic's procedure and her particular situation.


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Frequently Asked Questions?


Artificial insemination (AI), including IUI, success rates per cycle range from 10% to 20%, influenced by age and fertility health. Younger women with fewer reproductive issues tend to have higher success rates, but multiple cycles may be necessary to achieve pregnancy.

Artificial insemination (AI), including IUI, usually requires two to four weeks of therapy. This covers the first consultations, the insemination operation, monitoring with blood tests and ultrasounds, ovarian stimulation with medication for around 7–14 days, and a brief recuperation time.

When luteinizing hormone (LH) surges are detected, usually 24 to 36 hours following ovulation, this is the ideal time to inseminate for conception. This time maximizes the likelihood of pregnancy by ensuring sperm are there when the egg is released.

Similar to IUI, the difficulty of achieving pregnancy using artificial insemination (AI) varies according on age and reproductive status. 10% to 20% of cycles end in success; younger women and those with less reproductive problems have better odds.